Open-Source Codes

The reproducibility or replication “crisis” in science has garnered considerable attention in both the scientific 1 and popular press 2, and in Congress 3. Reproducibility is one of the foundations of science. The recent move towards open science, where raw data and codes are made publicly available, provides a means to improve reproducibility; if you cannot see the raw data and if you cannot see exactly how data was analyzed or simulated, it is impossible to reproduce the results. The Innovative Concepts Group, which is committed to open science, has developed and made publicly available several data analysis codes, and collaborates with the Flash Center on the development of the open-source MHD code FLASH. Data analysis codes that are currently available include:

Thomson scattering and charged particle radiography routines in PlasmaPy

Fiducia: cubic spline fitting for filtered diode arrays

Self-optimizing Savitzky-Golay filter for generalized signal denoising

A 2-D electrostatic PIC code for direct inversion of deflectometry data (Version 3). Zenodo.

A Matlab function to solve the Monge-Ampere equation using the Sulman, Williams and Russell algorithm, (Version 1). Zenodo.