Established in 1970 as a center to investigate the interaction of laser radiation with matter, LLE has performed pioneering work in laser fusion and has developed an international reputation in a number of advanced research and development programs in applications of laser and optical technologies. The Laboratory is a pioneer in university-industry-government collaborations in a rapidly evolving technology development. Over the past several years, many inventions and developments from LLE have been licensed to industry and have been converted to industrial products. The Laboratory and the University are committed to transferring knowledge and expertise to the larger community.
The main purpose of LLE-Industry partnerships is to develop a marketplace for our technologies and our students. We are home to qualified scientists and engineers, excellent laboratory facilities, and modern laboratory equipment that corporations need not attempt to duplicate and dedicate to basic research. Each year we attract and educate the caliber of student that companies seek to recruit. Our objective is to interact with people and institutions that deal with today’s problems and look for tomorrow’s solutions and alternatives. We are eager to work with organizations that are willing to develop, manufacture, market, and follow up on new products and concepts. LLE encourages the spirit of competition and responds to the market’s sense of urgency.