Magnetized Transport

Magnetic fields lead to complex transport physics in plasmas, and many of the theoretical predictions have yet to be experimentally confirmed for weak to intermediate magnetization, which is typical for self-generated magnetic fields in laser plasmas  and in magneto-inertial fusion, where densities are considerably higher than in magnetic confinement fusion. Members of the Innovative Concepts Group developed a reformulation of the magnetized transport coefficients, providing a clearer physical interpretation and revealing serious errors in fitting formulas that have been widely used 1. The Innovative Concepts Group is working with the Flash Center to implement the full set of magnetized transport coefficients in the code FLASH. The group has also worked with LLNL to demonstrate that the improved fits make a significant difference to MHD simulations of laser plasmas 2. Recently, the group began kinetic simulations of nonlocal effects on self-generated magnetic field 3 and magnetized transport. In parallel, we are developing experimental platforms to measure the Nernst coefficient and what has been termed the cross-field Nernst coefficient 2. The Nernst coefficient leads to advection of magnetic field down electron temperature gradients. The cross-field Nernst coefficient originates from the perpendicular electrothermal coefficient and leads to advection of magnetic field perpendicular to electron temperature gradients.

CAD renderings of two OMEGA EP experiments.

Two setups for the OMEGA EP laser are being considered to measure the Nernst coefficient by simultaneously measuring magnetic field advection, fluid advection, and electron temperature gradient.