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Focused Energy: Inertial Fusion Energy Start-Ups Value LLE

March 29, 2022
Visitors in cleanroom suits at the OMEGA target chamber.

Focused Energy’s Chief Operating Officer, Anika Stein, and a team of eight scientists and engineers visited LLE on 18 March, hosted by Jon Zuegel. NNSA’s and DOE’s programs have made LLE a world leader in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) science and engineering, laser technologies, and advanced plasma diagnostics. LLE continues to use its position as a leading academic institution to support NNSA’s ICF and high-energy-density science programs with key technical results and excellent graduate students who are in high demand for employment within DOE’s national laboratory system. LLE’s proven track record in high-quality science and technology also makes us a go-to organization in the growing commercial fusion energy ecosystem.