WiSE-LLE Initiatives

Women in Science and Engineering at the Laboratory for Laser Energetics (WISE-LLE) logo.


WISE-LLE was rebooted in the Fall of 2022 with the primary intention of recruiting and retaining women supporting the LLE mission throughout the organization. We plan to support that initiative in the following ways:

  • Hold regular meetings for women in the lab to come together. Currently scheduled for alternating Mondays at 11:30 am in the Annex conference room or over Zoom.
  • Host general meet and greets for LLE women to meet one another, especially our new hires and new students
  • Have informal bring-your-own lunches at the lab to create a community of women
  • Host workshops, webinars, and other opportunities for speakers to present on topics that affect women in the workplace, in STEM fields, or for general work/life balance. These may include breakout sessions to more deeply discuss the topics, questions, or issues at hand
  • Invite women speakers to highlight their work, including women within LLE

We are still evolving as a group, so please if you have suggestions or ideas for events and opportunities you’d like to see!