Quick Shot

Safety at LLE

May 29, 2018
Top: employees inspect emergency shower, Bottom: practicing using a fire extiguisher

Safety is a priority at LLE. Shown on top, LLE facilities Manager, John Sawyer, Tyler Critelli, a co-op student from the Rochester Institute of Technology, and Chemical Safety Officer, Ken Marshall, flush the emergency shower in the mechanical room as part of a periodic testing procedure that helps clear the supply lines of sediment and bacteria build-up that is caused by stagnant water. Proper maintenance, regular testing, and visual checking are necessary to ensure that emergency showers and eyewash stations function safely and properly.

Shown on bottom, Research Associate Jonathan Peebles takes part in an on-site fire-fighting safety class through the University’s Fire Safety Unit and coordinated by LLE facilities manager, John Sawyer. Here, a zero-chemical-emission, hands-on fire extinguisher is used to asses the pointing and sweeping accuracy of the user.