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Riccardo Betti Awarded the Blaise Pascal Medal from the European Academy of Sciences
July 10, 2023Riccardo Betti, Chief Scientist at LLE, Robert L. McCrory Professor, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, has been awarded the European Academy of Sciences’ Blaise Pascal Medal. The award was given “in recognition for his outstanding contributions to high-temperature plasma physics with applications to nuclear fusion and for the development of the novel ‘shock-ignition’ approach to direct-drive inertial confinement fusion.” Dr. Betti co-authored over 300 peer reviewed papers and is the recipient of the Landau–Spitzer Award from the American and European Physical Societies, the Edward Teller Medal from the American Nuclear Society, and the E. O. Lawrence Award from the U.S. Department of Energy. The award will be presented in October at the EurASc Symposium 2023 and Ceremony in Madrid at the EurASc Annual Symposium & Ceremony 2023.