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Outstanding APS Undergraduate Poster Award to Brittany Callin
November 07, 2022The photo on the left shows Brittany Callin with the American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics Chair, Dr. Denise Hinkel;
Dr. William Trickey, Brittany’s advisor, is shown in the photo on the right.
Brittany Callin, a visiting undergraduate student in LLE’s Integrated Modeling Group from the University of Colorado, won an Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Award. Brittany presented her poster entitled “Bayesian Optimization of Inertial Confinement Fusion Simulations,” at the 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics (DPP) held 17–21 October 2022 in Spokane, WA. Each year a panel of DPP member judges award the top presentations with Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Awards at the annual Student Appreciation Reception. The award certificates are presented by the APS-DPP chair and the awardees are invited to attend the APS-DPP banquet. Brittany was mentored by Dr. William Trickey as part of the DOE-funded Plasma and Fusion Undergraduate Research Opportunities (PFURO) Program administered and managed by the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and the U.S. Fusion Outreach Team.