Quick Shot
OMEGA Linear Motor Upgrade
July 11, 2016After nearly 20 years of reliable service, the linear motor used to remove the shroud on cryogenic target shots is being replaced and installation is scheduled for December. The new design, led by Mechanical Engineer Cody-Shane Taylor, benefits from operational experience gained with the original motor design. It incorporates new features, including: dual position sensors to mitigate control faults during high-yield shots, an integrated load-cell for precision force sensing, a high-precision modular design that can be readily serviced in situ, personnel safety features, and use of commercial off-the-shelf motor and linear bearing hardware. The Cryogenic Target Handling System team (left to right) consists of Jeff Ulreich, Chad Abbott, Mike Bradley, Jeff Kunzel, CodyShane Taylor, Dave Lonobile, Doug Jacobs-Perkins, Brian Rice, and Milt Shoup.