LLE Review 85


This volume of the LLE Review, covering October-December 2000, features an article (cover and p. 1) that reports on the development of a theoretical model for the deceleration phase of an imploding inertial fusion capsule. Other research highlights presented in this issue include:

  • An experimental study of the effects of shock heating on the stability of direct-drive inertial fusion capsules.
  • A report on a new model for material behavior under compression with specific application to fused silica.
  • A description of the design and performance of a new selectable-streak-rate streak-camera deflection ramp generator.
  • A report on the development of a UV fiber-optic beam delivery system for the OMEGA 60-beam laser pulse shape characterization system.
  • A report on the fabrication and characterization of a simple-to-manufacture and simple-to-operate NbN hot-electron photodetector with picosecond response time.
  • A description of the preliminary design for the National Ignition Facility’s (NIF’s) 2-D SSD beam-smoothing system. LLE has the lead role in defining direct-drive system requirements for the NIF and preparing a preliminary 2-D SSD system design.