Omega Experiments Researchers

Mike Rosenberg.

Michael Rosenberg

Group Leader
Staff Scientist

BA Physics, 2008 from Swarthmore College
PhD Physics, 2014 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Research Interests:  Direct-drive inertial confinement fusion, laser–plasma interactions in long-scale-length plasmas, hydrodynamic scaling, magnetic reconnection

Michael Rosenberg's Bio

James Knauer

James Knauer

Senior Scientist

Christian Stoeckl

Christian Stoeckl

Senior Scientist

Diploma, Physics, 1989 from TH Darmstadt, Germany
PhD Physics, 1992 from TH Darmstadt, Germany

Research Interests: Direct-drive inertial confinement fusion, short-pulse laser–matter interaction, diagnostic development

Luke Ceurvorst

Luke Ceurvorst


BS Physics and Mathematics, 2012 from Carnegie Mellon University
PhD Atomic and Laser Physics, 2017 from University of Oxford, United Kingdom,

Research Interests: Direct-drive inertial confinement fusion, advanced ignition designs, diagnostic development, hydrodynamic instabilities, high-intensity laser–plasma interactions

Luke Ceurvorst's Bio

Chad Forrest

Chad Forrest

Staff Scientist

MA Physics, 2008 from University of Rochester
PhD Physics, 2015 from University of Rochester

Research Interests: Thermonuclear fusion, nucleon–nucleon interactions, nuclear structure

Photo portrait of Arnold Schwemmlein.

Arnold Schwemmlein

Assistant Scientist

BS Physics and Mathematics, 2015 from Juniata College
MA Physics, 2016 from University of Rochester
PhD Physics, 2021 from University of Rochester

Graduate Students

Joshua Baltazar.

Joshua Baltazar

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Advisor: S. P. Regan

Photo Portrait of Kristen Churnetski.

Kristen Churnetski

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Advisor: S. P. Regan

Steven Kostick

Steven Kostick

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Advisor: W. Theobald

Jordan Martinez

Jordan Martinez

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Advisor: S. P. Regan

Graduated Students

Owen Mannion

Owen Mannion

PhD Physics, 2021 from University of Rochester
MA Physics, 2016 from University of Rochester
BS Physics, 2015 from University of Massachusetts

Zaarah Mohamed.

Zaarah Mohamed

PhD Physics and Astronomy, 2022 University of Rochester
MA Physics and Astronomy, 2017 from University of Rochester
BS Physics, 2015 from Case Western Reserve University