Congratulations to Dhrumir Patel, whose paper “Measuring higher-order moments of neutron-time-of-flight data for cryogenic inertial confinement fusion implosions on OMEGA” has been selected for inclusion in the 2023 Early Career Author Special Collection in the journal Physics of Plasmas. This prestigious selection, aimed at showcasing the high-quality contributions made by early-career researchers, features 30 authors from around the world and their papers published last year, representing all ten of the topical sections in Physics of Plasmas. Dhrumir, who received his PhD in mechanical engineering this past May 2023 from the University of Rochester, currently works as a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Rochester’s Mechanical Engineering department. His research focuses on experimental diagnostics related to inertial confinement fusion experiments and utilizes machine-learning techniques to enhance cryogenic implosions on the OMEGA laser. Dhrumir’s fellow colleagues and staff at LLE wish him continued success in his research.
You can read Dhrumir’s article in full and browse the entire 2023 Early Career Author Special on the Physics of Plasmas website.