Quick Shot

Computer Simulations Assist in Solar System Research

December 21, 2020

Simulation video courtesy of T. O’Brien, J. A. Tarduno, A. Anand, A. V. Smirnov, E. G. Blackman, J. Carroll-Nellenback, and A. N. Krot,  “Arrival and Magnetization of Carbonaceous Chondrites in the Asteroid Belt Before 4562 Million Years Ago,” Commun. Earth Environ. 1, 54 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-020-00055-w

Computer simulations made by Horton Fellow, Atma Anand and LLE Computational Scientist, Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback assisted in research that helped to determine when asteroids rich in water and amino acids first arrived in the solar system. This research helps in understanding the origins of the solar system and why some planets, such as Earth, became habitable. The simulations were made using the 3-D AMR code, AstroBEAR, which was developed at the University of Rochester. The work was recently published in Nature Communications Earth and Environment, and highlighted on the University of Rochester Newscenter.