Terry-Ann Suer


Dr. Terry-Ann Suer is a Scientist in the HEDP Group at the University of Rochester’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE). She received a BA in Astrophysics from Williams College and went on to work as technical staff at Caltech on projects including characterization of icy planetesimals, colliding galaxies and the Martian surface. She received a PhD in Geochemistry (2017) from the Sorbonne University in Paris for work on the high-pressure-temperature chemistry of early terrestrial magma oceans. During PhD, she developed new protocols for quantifying the chemical compositions of samples from diamond anvil cell experiments. She continued this research as a postdoc at Harvard University where she also explored phase transitions in the Earth’s lower mantle with X-ray diffraction. At LLE, she uses static and dynamic compression techniques to probe the chemistry and physics of materials at high-energy-density.

Portrait of Terry-Ann Suer.