Omega Laser Facility Users Group 2022 Workshop
The 13th Omega Laser Facility Users Group (OLUG) Workshop was held in a hybrid format on 27–29 April 2022. Over 150 researchers from more than 40 institutions and 13 countries registered for the meeting, including 103 in-person attendees and 55 remote participants. Shown below is the picture of the in-person attendees. The workshop facilitates a continuing dialog between the Omega users, the users and LLE management, and the users and the broader scientific community. It also provides an opportunity for students and postdoctoral fellows to present their research at LLE in an interactive and informal atmosphere. The Omega Laser Facility Users Group collectively submitted 25 Findings and Recommendations (F&R’s) to facility management. Most of the 61 contributed posters were given by students and postdocs (in-person attendees shown in inset).