HEDP Experiments Group photo

HEDP Experiments Group Charter

  1. Explore the behavior of matter at extreme conditions by developing innovative experimental techniques and measurement capabilities
  2. Test the next generation of physical models in cooperation with the new HEDP Theory group
  3. Coordinate the ongoing collaborative HEDP activities with our National Laboratory partners
  4. Provide a technical and collaborative interface with faculty in the new Institute for Matter At eXtreme Energy Density
  5. Expand the educational opportunities for graduate and undergraduate students interested in HEDP
  6. Develop international HEDP collaborations to broaden the capability and expertise base for the Laboratory

Michelle Marshall
Group Leader

Ryan Rygg (Senior Scientist)
Danae Polsin (Scientist)
Terry-Ann Suer (Scientist)
D. Alex Chin (Assistant Scientist)
Neel Kabadi (Assistant Scientist)
Kevin Vencatasamy (Research Engineer)
Thomas Boehly (Distinguished Scientist)
Stephen Burns (Professor Emeritus)


Prof. Gilbert “Rip” Collins
Director of IMAXED

Graph showing log density and log temperature for the HED regime with pressures greater than 1 Mbar