Dephasingless Laser Wakefield Acceleration

J. P. Palastro, J. L. Shaw, P. Franke, D. Ramsey, T. T. Simpson, and D. H. Froula


Laser wakefield accelerators (LWFAs) produce extremely high gradients enabling compact accelerators and radiation sources but face design limitations, such as dephasing, occurring when trapped electrons outrun the accelerating phase of the wakefield. Here we combine spherical aberration with a novel cylindrically symmetric echelon optic to spatiotemporally structure an ultrashort, high-intensity laser pulse that can overcome dephasing by propagating at any velocity over any distance. The ponderomotive force of the spatiotemporally shaped pulse can drive a wakefield with a phase velocity equal to the speed of light in vacuum, preventing trapped electrons from outrunning the wake. Simulations in the linear regime and scaling laws in the bubble regime illustrate that this dephasingless LWFA can accelerate electrons to high energies in much shorter distances than a traditional LWFA—a single 4.5 m stage can accelerate electrons to TeV energies without the need for guiding structures.

Illustration showing dephasingless laser wakefield acceleration

(Illustration credit: H. Palmer and K. Palmisano)