Volume II System Operation Procedures

OMEGA System Operations Manual

Volume II—System Operation Procedures

Part 1 – OMEGA Shot Operations Procedures

S.O. 1: Shot Director
S.O. 2: Power Conditioning
S.O. 3: Beamlines Operator
S.O. 4: Laser Drivers Operator
S.O. 5: Experimental System Operator
S.O. 6: Target Diagnostics
S.O. 7: Experimental Cryogenic Technician
S.O. 8: Target Chamber Tritium Recovery System Operator

Part 2 – Subsystem Start-Up & Shutdown Procedures

S.S. 1: Shot Director / Facility Interlock
S.S. 2: Power Conditioning
S.S. 3: Beamlines
S.S. 4: Laser Drivers
S.S. 5: Experimental System


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